This Week From the Desk

Rick Poynor (University of Reading) published a concise article on Creative Review this week talking about how Emigre still matters. He poses the idea that there is less public debate and discussion about Typography these days, and that should change. It is the hope of Badson that Shoe can one day make an attempt at filling this role, but for now, the blogosphere will have to carry the torch. This article is a great read and a reminder that there is a narrative in the type industry that still continues on. Read Rick Poynor's article here

TYPETR, part of the TypeNetwork family, released an innovative new pixel font this week: Bitcount. At first glance, it would be easy to pass over Bitcount as just another pixel font... what's so special about that. It appears that Dutch Wizard Petr van Blokland has packed this mind-bogglingly large super family of 300 font styles with some serious innovation. There are several pixel styles that can be stacked for a seemingly infinite number of expressions, the introduction of the 'contrast pixel', and matching italics which are usually forsaken in pixel fonts. There's a lot to unpack here, but TypeNetwork's information page is a great place to start. Congrats, Petr, on this mega release. 

The Typographics Conference held at the Cooper Union in New York City is taking place right now through this weekend. Sadly, Badson is not there, but there are lots of ways to follow along through Twitter and the Conference website. It looks to be another killer experience, cheers to all involved!  

Elephant Issue #31 looks rather stunning. 

Artifact Uprising launched the ability to create customized wedding invitations on their site this week. The invitations prominently feature Miller, the seminal Scotch Roman designed by Matthew Carter. You have the ability to select from a menu of 8 type styles (of which Miller is clearly the best). It's interesting to see how a company that relies so heavily on design in their business chooses to represent fonts in this arena. See how Artifact Uprising is doing here. 

They've been putting these brililiant gifs out for some time now, but they finally put them all in one place. DIA Studio and their typographic motion experiments are now on ELLO.

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