One question I get a lot is "Why are you in Denver?" Many folks assume that a type design studio would prefer to be operating out of the design industry's magnetic poles: New York or San Francisco. And although those people would be right to think that, they rarely know about the best reasons for setting up shop in Colorado... the number one of which is happening now. 

Fall is here and in Colorado, that means change. Change in the winds, the temperature, wardrobes, but most exciting of all: the mountains. Every year around this time, the aspens turn gold, the pines become more fragrant, and the mountains are draped in a tapestry of wild painted colors. 

This is my favorite time of year. The best way to experience this—if you don't find Colorado on your travel calendar any time soon—is on Instagram. I've tagged a few of my favorite Coloradans' images and accounts here to take you away from the cement cities for a second and into the fresh air of the Rockies. 

A photo posted by DRAM (@dramapothecary) on

A photo posted by Travis Ladue (@travisladue) on

A photo posted by Mike (@coloradoalpenglow) on

Fall time in Colorado always reminds me to experience change with an open mind, and that there's so much more out there that you're not experiencing in your daily routine. May your transitions into new things go well this season. We have a lot of new things coming up in the Studio and Shop. Be sure to check in on the website now and again.  


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